#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics # # Software Documentation Layout Templates # # HISTORY #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #==================================================================== Version 2.0 - 5 July 1999 Second release of the package. Most important changes include: - A single file version of the template, for short documents that do not need a TOC, index, etc. Format definitions are essentially the same as in the book template. - H1 level headings (e.g. chapters) in the book template may be in one of 2 styles: a large style for books with longer chapters, and a small style for books with chapters of only a couple pages each. Format files for the 2 heading styles (for chapters, appendices and automatically updated lists) are included. - Converting to HTML is now easily customizable via a set of variables, collected on the WWWVariables reference page. - New and/or revised reference pages: WWWVariables: for easy customization of HTML generation DocMetaData: user variables for document data Figures: sample material for formatting figures FrontMatterTables: sample frontmatter tables - H1 level headings (using ItemH1 or ItemH1App) may now also be included in the automatically updated list of items. - The automatically updated list files are delivered locked for hypertext. - Component filename prefix is now "sdlt". - All table alignment is changed to left, yo minimize problems when tables are adjusted to less (or more) than text column width. - New paragraph tags: + TblCellHeadingRight + UtilTemplateCredits: Single file template only + UtilAlertBeginWarning, UtilAlertBeginNote, UtilAlertLabel, UtilAlertTerminate: to be able to format little "Note" and "Warning" content blocks. Other "Alerts" can be added easily. - Deleted paragraph tags: + TblCellHeadingBottom (identical to TblCellHeading) - Revised paragraph tags: + Doc*: for use in both single file and book templates + DLTerm*: remove right indent to be able to use in table cells + BodyVerbatim, LContVerbatim1, LContVerbatim2, LContVerbatim3, CodeLineFst, CodeLineNth, CodeVerbatim, PlaceHolder, UtilClearRestOfColumn: language is set to "none" so that they are not spellchecked. + Body*, UtilTBD: space below is now 5pt (from 10pt). - New character tags: + ToolOption: to mark-up menu options, etc. + Regular: used by the automatically updated lists - Revised character tags: + Code, SymbolFont, ZapfDingbatsFont, ToolOption: language is set to "none" so that they are not spellchecked. - Updated user's guide. #==================================================================== Version 1.0 - 15 January 1999 Initial release of Software Documentation Layout Templates for Adobe FrameMaker 5.5, usable on various UNIX, PCs and MACs for the production of software project documenta. The SDLT are a set of generic format templates to be used in conjunction with separately maintained content-only templates. The SDLT offer: - Visual consistency across the various documents for a project can be achieved in a manageable way, and requires the maintenance of only one set of layout templates. - Simplification of the production and maintenance of content-only templates -- adding a template for a particular document type requires only the creation of a content-only template, consisting only of content-specific sample material. - If a content-only template for a particular document type does not yet exist, 3rd parties have the liberty and the means to add it, as required by their project. As an example of such a content-only template, a new version of the ESA URD content template is being concurrently released. A guideline for producing new content-only templates is included in the documentation. Other SDLT features include: - FrameMaker book structure. - Pre-defined formats for cover pages, front matter, table of contents, automatically updated lists, chapters, appendices, and index. - Comprehensive pre-defined formats for all typical software specification documentation material. - Automatic generation of structured Webs. - Comprehensive user documentation. #====================================================================